Tom Pemberton joined Capella in 2006 as Chief Operating Officer and is responsible for all management activities of Capella�s hospitals and surgery centers. Tom has a strong track record in hospital operations, having begun his career as a hospital pharmacist and then progressing through the ranks to rise to the level of Division President for LifePoint Hospitals. While at LifePoint, Tom was in charge of LifePoint�s largest operating division, comprised of LifePoint�s 10+ largest hospitals.Tom joined LifePoint (then known as Province Healthcare) in 2003 as Vice President of Operations for Province�s Eastern Region. In that role, Tom established a strong working relationship with each hospital; including the management team and the local hospital board. His approach was based on continuous and open dialogue and strategic planning at the local level. Because of this annual strategic planning component, the hospitals were able to develop operating plans to ensure the commitments to the local community would be met. Tom continues this practice at Capella.Tom began his career as a hospital pharmacist at a Tennessee community hospital. After working his way up to pharmacy director, assistant administrator and hospital Chief Executive Officer at various hospitals, Tom joined HealthTrust Hospitals, Inc. as a hospital CEO. (HealthTrust was spun off from HCA in 1987 and re-acquired by HCA in 1995).In 1999, Tom became the Chief Operating Officer of a small healthcare chain based in Nashville. After that company was sold, he became the COO of the medical/surgical division of another, larger healthcare chain, also based in Nashville. In 2003, Tom joined Province.Tom attended Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, graduated with a degree in pharmacy from Mercer University School of Pharmacy in Atlanta. He also holds a Master of Business administration degree from East Tennessee State University in Johnson City. Tom also played college football for Tennessee Tech and signed as a free agent with the Washington Redskins after college |