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Profile of Thomas Ewbank

Thomas Ewbank

Partner - Krieg DeVault LLP
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Company Name : Krieg DeVault LLP
Company Website : www.kriegdevault.com
Company Address : One Indiana Sq.
Ste. 2800, Indianapolis, IN,
United States,
Thomas Ewbank Profile :
Partner - Krieg DeVault LLP
Thomas Ewbank Biography :

Mr. Ewbank is a graduate of Indiana University and its School of Law . He is admitted to practice before the U.S. Tax Court, U.S. Court of Military Appeals, U.S. Court of Appeals (7th Circuit), and the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Ewbank joined the firm as a partner in 1995 and is a member of its Estate Planning and Administration Practice Group. From 1972-1995, he was with National City Bank of Indiana (formerly Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Indianapolis ), and served as Senior Vice President and Senior Trust Officer heading the Probate and Guardianship and the Tax Department. During 25 years at National City Trust, Mr. Ewbank prepared or supervised preparation of more than 1,000 federal estate and gift tax returns; conducted or participated in over 200 field audits, conference and appeals level negotiations, U.S. Tax Court, U.S. District Court & U.S. Court of Claims cases involving federal estate and gift taxes; and was a Certified Trust and Financial Advisor (CFTA). Mr. Ewbank has conducted numerous continuing education seminars in probate and trust administration as well as tax and estate planning. He is a Board Certified Estate Planning and Administration Specialist. He is certified by the Indiana State Bar Association's Estate Planning and Administration Specialty Certification Board.

Published Works

12 "Chapters", Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum Seminars, 1974

Probate Forms, 1978

Investment Responsibility for Trustees, 1982

Marital Bequests After 2001 Tax Act, 2002

Classes/Seminars Taught

Numerous Continuing Education Seminars, Probate and Trust Administration, Tax and Estate Planning

Honors and Awards

Indiana Super Lawyers, 2004-present

Best Lawyers in America, 2004 - Present

Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis Career Award, 2001

Who's Who in America

Who's Who in the Midwest

Who's Who in Finance

Who's Who in the World

Who's Who in Law

Professional Associations and Memberships

American College of Estate & Trust Council (ACTEC), 2005 - Present


Indianapolis Bar Association - Estate Planning Section


Indiana State Bar Association - Probate, Trust & Real Property Section


American Bar Association - Estate, Trust & Real Property Section


Kiwanis Circle K. Int'l, 1963 - 1964

Int'l Trustee

Kiwanis Circle K. Int'l, 1964 - 1965

Int'l President

The Society of Indiana Pioneers, 2007 - Present


Kiwanis Club of North Indianapolis, 1968 - 1969


Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis - Meridian, 1969 - 1970


Indiana State Bar Association, 1979 - 1981


Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis, 1980 - 1981


Indiana Bar Foundation, 1983

Life Patron

Estate Planning Council of Indiana, 1983

Past President

Estate Planning Council of Indiana, 1969 - Present


Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis, 1984 - 1985


President Benjamin Harrison Foundation, 1998 - 2000


Kiwanis Club, 1966 - Present


Indianapolis Bar Association Foundation, 1969 - Present

Foundation Treasurer

Indiana State Bar Association, 1969 - Present


Indiana Bar Foundation, 1969 - Present


President Benjamin Harrison Foundation, 1994 - 2007

Board Member

Arthur Jordan Foundation, 2003 - Present


Arthur Jordan Foundation, 2006 - 2008


Pro Bono Activities

Indiana Legal Services Organization - Board Member, 1971 - 1973

Indianapolis Bar Association, Grievance Committee, 1970 - 1980

Representation of Indigents Who Have Had SSI Terminated, 1998 - 2000

Thomas Ewbank Colleagues :
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Clifford Browning

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