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Profile of Thomas Kulh

Thomas Kulh

Sr. Geologist - Grandview Gold Inc.
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Company Name : Grandview Gold Inc.
Company Website : www.grandviewgold.com
Company Address : 330 Bay St.
Ste. 820, Toronto, ON,
Thomas Kulh Profile :
Sr. Geologist - Grandview Gold Inc.
Thomas Kulh Biography :

Mr. Kulh has over 36 years experience identifying and evaluating precious and base metal occurrences and deposits in the western continental United States and Alaska with a focus on California and Nevada. He is recognized in the industry as one of the foremost experts on Pinjon Range (Carlin Trend) gold systems, and is sought after for his proficiency in the areas of initial research, field reconnaissance, design and implementation of programs to evaluate project areas and known deposits for acquisition.

Mr. Kulh worked as Exploration Manager on several Pinjon Range gold projects over the past 20 years. He was Project Geologist at the Goldstrike Mine, involved in all phases of exploration and development. In addition, he evaluated and managed Nevada projects for Westmont Mining, Ramrod Gold and Arctic Precious Metals.

Mr. Kulh's wealth of directly related gold exploration experience and the high regard in which he is held in the industry are extraordinary assets for Grandview as the company continues to explore in the Carlin Trend.

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