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Profile of Tim Cheng

Tim Cheng

Member - Technical Advisory Board - Calypto Design Systems Inc.
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Company Name : Calypto Design Systems Inc.
Company Website : www.calypto.com
Company Address : 2933 Bunker Hill Ln.
Ste. 202, Santa Clara, CA,
United States,
Tim Cheng Profile :
Member - Technical Advisory Board - Calypto Design Systems Inc.
Tim Cheng Biography :

Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1983 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1988. He worked at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ, from 1988 to 1993 and joined the faculty at the University of California,Santa Barbara in 1993 where he is currently Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He served as founding Director of UCSB's Computer Engineering Program from 1999 to 2002. He has been a visiting professor at Beijin University (China) and National TsingHua University (Taiwan). His current research interests include VLSI testing, design verification and multimedia computing. He has published over 200 technical papers, co-authored three books and holds nine U.S. Patents in these areas. He has also been working closely with US industry for projects in these areas. He received Best Paper Award at the 1994 Design Automation Conf., Best Paper Award at the 1999 Design Automation Conference, 2001 Annual Best Paper Award in Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Best Paper Award in 2003 Conference of Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2003), Distinguished Paper Citation at 1990 Int'l Conference on CAD, and the Best Paper Award at 1987 AT&T Conference on Electronic Testing. He is a Fellow of IEEE. He currently serves as Associate Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Design and Test of Computers and Editor of Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications. He had also served on the Editorial Board of IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design. He has been General Chair and Program Chair of IEEE International Test Synthesis Workshop, Chair of Test Synthesis Technical Activities in IEEE Test Technology Technical Council and served on the technical program committees for several international conferences on CAD and test including DAC, ICCAD, ITC and VTS.

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