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Profile of Tim Ryan

Tim Ryan

VP - Operations - Electronic Evidence Discovery Inc.
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Company Name : Electronic Evidence Discovery Inc.
Company Website : www.eedinc.com
Company Address : 3933 Lake Washington Blvd. NE
Ste. 200, Kirkland, WA,
United States,
Tim Ryan Profile :
VP - Operations - Electronic Evidence Discovery Inc.
Tim Ryan Biography :

Tim Ryan brings more than 15 years of technology and leadership experience to EED. He has held several senior-level positions in project management, research and development, IT/network services and ASP operations. He has been responsible for the technical operations of a global corporate expense management company, providing technical advisement on network asset management and expense management solutions for licensing and ASP services. Ryan was responsible for the implementation of EED's secure, hosted environment of client data storage in the company's intellectual property environment. His experience in policy development and standardized process management techniques augments the existing EED processes ensuring that client data is handled quickly and efficiently. His expertise and leadership is integral to the expansion of EED and its standard-setting technology.

Tim Ryan Colleagues :
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Dave McCann

Pres., CEO Please login

Brad Berg

CFO Please login

Tom Haug

VP - Software Engineering Please login

Jose Lebron

VP - Business Development Please login

Skip Lindsey

VP - Business Development, West Coast Region Please login

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