Tim Stanley is Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Harrah�s Entertainment, Inc. In that role, he is responsible for the strategy, architecture, program management, development, support and operations of the entire portfolio of Harrah�s IT-enabled business capabilities in the US and abroad.
Before joining Harrah�s in 2001, Stanley was a partner with consulting firms USWeb and marchFIRST, where he developed and led the travel practice for the firms, working with several leading airline, hospitality, travel and gaming clients. Prior to that role, he was the CIO of National Airlines, where he launched the company on an innovative platform of Internet-based IT applications, infrastructure and operations. He has also held various leadership positions in the U.S. and overseas in the areas of IT, marketing, operations and consulting with Intel Corporation, Optima/KPMG, InnovaTech and Kimberly-Clark Corporation. Stanley began his career as a U.S. Air Force officer, responsible for advanced missile guidance system technology projects and some of the original Global Positioning System (GPS) integration efforts.
Stanley has been honored with CIO Insight�s Partners in Alignment award for successful linkage of business strategy and technology at Harrah�s, and he was named one of The Top 25 Unsung Heroes of the Internet by Interactive Week magazine. He holds graduate degrees in International Business and Technology Management from Thunderbird (AGSIM) and Arizona State University, as well as a bachelor�s degree in engineering from the University of Washington. |