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Profile of Timothy Culver

Timothy Culver

VP - Consulting Services - Noel-Levitz Inc.
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Company Name : Noel-Levitz Inc.
Company Website : www.noellevitz.com
Company Address : 2350 Oakdale Blvd.
, Coralville, IA,
United States,
Timothy Culver Profile :
VP - Consulting Services - Noel-Levitz Inc.
Timothy Culver Biography :

Tim Culver develops and maintains the retention consulting services of Noel-Levitz. He also consults directly with institutions, helping them develop, implement, and evaluate their enrollment plans. He specializes in enrollment management, retention planning, Title III and Title V grants, community college planning, and developmental education.

Mr. Culver has consulted with more than 50 four-year and two-year institutions, including Louisiana State University, Alexandria; Delgado Community College (LA); Blinn College (TX); Ouachita Technical College (AR); Oklahoma City Community College; Southern University, New Orleans (LA); West Los Angeles College (CA); Community College of Southern Nevada; and South Plains College (TX). He has worked with numerous campuses to strengthen their retention initiatives through better planning, such as: Assisting with the development and implementation of the first-ever campuswide retention plan at Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City. This plan focused on changes that would fulfill the requirements of OSUOKC�s Title III grant. Helping form a retention committee and a comprehensive retention plan for Olney Central College of the Illinois Eastern Community Colleges. With Mr. Culver�s assistance, the college systematically assessed student and staff satisfaction, using that data to drive new retention initiatives on campus.

Previous campus experience

Mr. Culver has served as director of the Student Success Center at Shawnee State University (OH), an open enrollment four-year institution successfully transitioning from a community college. He wrote and received federal Title III grants resulting in the implementation of a new instructional support services model at the university.

Associations and education

Mr. Culver has been a member of several national and state organizations including the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, the National Association for Developmental Education, and the National Academic Advising Association. He holds an M.Ed. from the University of Dayton (OH) and an M.B.A. from Marshall University (WV).

Timothy Culver Colleagues :
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Bruce Anderson

Exec. Consultant Please login

Robert Baird

VP - Consulting Please login

Kathryn Bass

Exec. Consultant Please login

Scott Bodfish

VP Please login

Derek Boren

Technical Product Support Specialist Please login

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