Tim Dotson oversees the alignment of information technology (IT) strategy and direction with those of SureWest�s business mission. The key IT resource to the company�s management committee and board of directors Dotson was instrumental in obtaining Sarbanes Oxley compliance from the information technology prospective.
Serving in leadership roles with increasing responsibilities in information technology at SureWest for over 16 years Dotson acted as the executive director of information technology solutions before being named chief information officer. He began his career as a software developer with W.L. Gore and Associates in 1983 before joining AMFAC Hotels and Resorts in 1987 as the data center manager. In 1989 he served as a software consultant at Preeminence Inc. prior to joining SureWest in 1991. Dotson earned a bachelor�s degree in geology with a dual major in computer science from Northern Arizona University.