Tim Scott, Ph.D., has served in senior management positions at Photogen Technologies, Inc.; Genase LLC; and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Holder of 16 U.S. patents, Scott was a co-founder, senior scientist, vice president and chief operating officer for Photogen Technologies. Scott also served as Photogen�s interim CEO and chairman during the company�s restructuring. While working at Genase, Scott�s duties included design and licensing of recombinant DNA-derived and other enzyme-based products. Before that, as director of bioprocessing at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Scott achieved a national presence in the use of advanced biotechnology for the production of energy, fuels and chemicals. Several of his innovative products have been licensed to the oil and gas and biotechnology industries. Awards include an R&D 100 for an industrial enzyme, the National Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer, the Inventor�s Forum Advanced Technology Award, and the Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inventor of the Year Award. Scott also has served as adjunct associate professor of chemical engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Scott holds a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from University of Wisconsin, Madison. He earned his bachelor�s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Tennessee. |