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Profile of Tom Werner

Tom Werner

documentary Producer - Carsey Werner Distribution LLC
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Company Name : Carsey Werner Distribution LLC
Company Website : www.cwm.com/distribution.html
Company Address : 12001 Ventura Pl.
6th Fl., Studio City, CA,
United States,
Tom Werner Profile :
documentary Producer - Carsey Werner Distribution LLC
Tom Werner Biography :

TOM WERNER was an award-winning documentary producer, noted for his film, Shirley Chisholm: Pursuing The Dream, about the first female presidential candidate. He started at ABC-TV in 1973 in the planning and development department, then became Manager, Prime Time Program Development, East Coast, in 1975. He took over Marcy Carsey's position as Senior Vice President of Prime Time Series in December 1980. A year later he joined Carsey in their independent production partnership. Werner explains their singular record of achievement this way: "I believe our success is due to our profound respect for our audience. Our shows strive to reflect the human condition and enlighten as well as entertain." This philosophy in action is what landed Werner and Carsey in the Hall of Fame of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in 1996, as well as in the Broadcasting and Cable Magazine Hall of Fame. Along with Carsey, he was honored by the Museum of Television and Radio in 1999, and earned a place in the Museum of the American Dream by sharing the American Academy of Achievement's Golden Plate Award with Carsey, as two of the 20th century's most extraordinary achievers. Tom Werner is a native New Yorker, 1971 cum laude graduate in English literature of Harvard University, and father of three children. He is currently co-owner of the Boston Red-sox.

Tom Werner Colleagues :
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Herb Lazarus

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Marcy Carsey

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Robert Dubelko

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Jim Kraus

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Debra Cherney

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