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Profile of Tony Mellina

Tony Mellina

CEO - Innovativ Systems Design Inc.
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Company Name : Innovativ Systems Design Inc.
Company Website : www.inovsys.com
Company Address : 204 Fernwood Ave.
, Edison, NJ,
United States,
Tony Mellina Profile :
CEO - Innovativ Systems Design Inc.
Tony Mellina Biography :

As the Chief Executive Officer of New Jersey-based solutions integrator Innovativ, Anthony Mellina sets the overall direction for the organization, ensuring its creation of diverse revenue streams from new services and products. Reporting directly to Mellina are Innovativ�s sales, operations, finance, marketing and development groups.

He was named CEO of Innovativ after previously serving as the chief operating officer for the Company�s technology incubator, Innovativ Systems Design (ISD). There, he held P&L responsibility for the firm�s various business units. He successfully brought new products to market and was instrumental in the creation of several new businesses under the auspices of ISD.

At Innovativ, Mellina has been responsible for moving the organization from a traditional hardware reseller to a comprehensive solutions integrator. As such, he has attracted and retained top-talent with diverse software and hardware backgrounds that are industry-specific, furthering the mission of Innovativ to deliver highly focused technology solutions.

Prior to joining ISD, Mellina held sales and sales management positions at Fortune 50 companies, including Sun Microsystems and Honeywell. His teams consistently met quota and he received national recognition for both sales achievements and his leadership skills. Mellina�s industry expertise includes telecommunications and financial services.

He holds a bachelor�s of science degree in economics from the City University of New York.

Tony Mellina Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Frank Batula

CFO Please login

Bob Nelson

VP - Sales Please login

Gerard Mcgowan

Strategic Information, Marketing Please login

Ed Partenope

VP - Operations, Technical Services Please login

Dave Vogelzang

Exec. VP - Sales Please login

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