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Profile of Udo Trutschel

Udo Trutschel

Research, Special Projects Team Member - Circadian Technologies Inc.
Udo Trutschel Email :
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Company Name : Circadian Technologies Inc.
Company Website : www.circadian.com
Company Address : 2 Main St.
Ste. 310, Stoneham, MA,
United States,
Udo Trutschel Profile :
Research, Special Projects Team Member - Circadian Technologies Inc.
Udo Trutschel Biography :

graduated with a degree in theoretical physics from the Institute for Solid State Physics and Theoretical Optics from Friedrich-Schiller-University (Germany). He received his doctoral degree in applied physics from the Physical Institute, Technical University Ilmenau (Germany). After leaving Germany in 1991, Dr. Trutschel worked for 18 months as research assistant at Tufts University, Boston in the Electro-Optics Technology Center. Afterwards he took a position as visiting Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department, Laval University, Quebec for 3 months.

Dr. Trutschel joined Circadian Technologies, Inc. in 1995. He pursued research on automatic detection of microsleeps / drowsiness from electrophysiological recordings, time series modelling, and the development of algorithms for alertness simulation and prediction, resulting in the development of the Circadian Alertness Software (CAS).

More recently, Dr. Trutschel supervised the development of the Optimization-Simulation System for biocompatible crew scheduling and the Freight Rail Crew Optimization System (FRCOS) software used in railroads. He supervised several research projects focusing on the characterization and detection of microsleeps based on EEG, EOG and eye-parameter measures using supervised and unsupervised neural network techniques.

Dr. Trutschel currently serves as Senior Research Consultant and focuses on the development of software system based on a Flexible Workforce Management Approach (FWMA). Other current activities include the design of Shiftwork Adaptation Testing-System (SATS), microsleep detection technologies and knowledge-based systems for alertness prediction.

Dr. Trutschel has published his research in over 50 scientific publications and currently holds 8 patents.

Udo Trutschel Colleagues :
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Martin Moore-ede

Chmn., CEO Please login

William Sirois

Sr. VP, COO Please login

William Davis

VP - Operations Please login

Todd Dawson

Dir. - Research, Grants, Special Projects Please login

Rainer Guttkuhn

Research, Special Projects Team Member Please login

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