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Profile of Victor Finmann

Victor Finmann

Partner - Cullen & Dykman
Victor Finmann Email :
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Company Name : Cullen & Dykman
Company Website : www.culldyk.com
Company Address : 177 Montague St.
, Brooklyn, NY,
United States,
Victor Finmann Profile :
Partner - Cullen & Dykman
Victor Finmann Biography :

Victor M. Finmann has been practicing in the areas of trust and estate administration, estate and incapacity planning, elder law and Medicaid planning, asset protection, business succession planning and retirement asset distribution planning since 1975. He has prepared wills containing credit shelter trusts, qualified terminable interest property (Q-TIP) trusts, qualified domestic (Q-DOT) trusts, generation-skipping transfer tax (GST) trusts, charitable remainder trusts, inter vivos trusts, life insurance trusts, third party and self-settled supplemental needs trusts, designation of beneficiary election forms, retirement asset wills, health care proxies, living wills, powers of attorneys and various deeds, including deeds with life estates. He has also assisted the personal representatives of estates in all aspects of the administration of estates, including the preparation of probate and administration petitions, disclaimers, right of election, funding of trusts, the preparation of federal and state estate, gift and income tax returns and the representation of clients on estate, gift and pension plan audits.

Victor Finmann Colleagues :
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Thomas Abernethy

Assoc. Attorney Please login

Alvin Adelman

Of Counsel Please login

Arlene Albanese

Assoc. Attorney Please login

Joseph Angiolillo

Assoc. Attorney Please login

Daniel Bagatta

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