Victor Gekker was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 1937. In 1960, he graduated from the Kharkiv Polytecnical Institute (energy machine-building faculty). On graduation Victor Gekker worked at Kharkiv Malysheva Plant for three years and then for 33 years he worked in Kharkiv Research and Development Institute �Atomenergoproect� on the problems of thermal and nuclear power development. Mr. Gekker participated in developing projects of the largest thermal and nuclear power plants with energy units of large capacity. These power plants include Pridneprovska Thermal Condensing Power Plant, Zaporizhya Thermal Condensing Power Plant, Slavyanska Thermal Condensing Power Plant, Kurakhovska Thermal Condensing Power Plant, Pivdenno-Ukrayinska Nuclear Power Plant, Zaporizhya Nuclear Power Plant, Rivne Nuclear Power Plant, Stendal Nuclear Power Plant (Germany), Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (Bulgaria), Dunamenty Cogeneration Plant (Hungary), Kharkiv Cogeneration Plant # 5, and others. In the energy sector Mr. Gekker started his career as a designing engineer to become the leading specialist of the institute. In May 1996, he joined SigmaBleyzer, USA-Ukraine Investment Bank. He acted as the Head of Information and Analytical Department and was the member of SigmaBleyzer Board of Directors. He participated in formation of portfolio of the family of Ukrainian Growth Funds (UGF) - international private funds. The portfolio consisted of stakes in over 80 Ukrainian companies. SigmaBleyzer manages assets of Ukrainian Growth Funds that invested in Ukrainian companies over $100 million. In 1999, SigmaBleyzer President Michael Bleyzer initiated the creation of International Private Capital Task Force (IPCTF). IPCTF objective is the following: on the basis of comparative analysis of transition economies to identify government policy measures that improve the investment climate and attract private capital. The Action Plan for Ukraine was compiled as a result of the research. It comprises nine key government policy actions, the implementation of which can help Ukraine considerably increase the flow of foreign investments, stabilize economic growth, and create a successful country with market economy. In 2001-2002, this research was expanded to the rest of former Soviet Union (FSU) countries. At the end of 2001, with gained experience in transition economies, the Bleyzers created The Bleyzer Foundation, which is a non-profit non-government organization. The Foundation�s objective is to support successful economic transition of FSU countries to prosperous democratic market economy. The mission of the Foundation is to facilitate the private sector development and promote the best world methods of government policy, which create favorable capital environment and improve living conditions through economic transformation and sustainable growth. Victor Gekker is the Director of The Bleyzer Foundation. The Bleyzer Foundation actively participated in designing process of the Program of Investment Activity Development in Ukraine for 2002-2010 and its Implementation Plan. |