Mr. Sperandeo is a Professional Trader and Money Manager with more than 40 years� experience in the stock, bond, futures, commodities, and currency markets, trading independently for, among others, George Soros, and Leon Cooperman. Mr. Sperandeo was featured in the best selling, The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America�s Top Traders, by Jack D. Schwager and Super Traders: Secrets and Successes of Wall Street�s Best and Brightest, by Alan Rubenfeld, has been profiled in Barron�s twice (Man of all Markets, on May 2, 1983, and Trader Vic the Ultimate Wall Street Pro, on September 21, 1987), The Wall Street Journal and Stocks & Commodities, and has appeared on CNBC, CNN, Fox and other networks. Mr. Sperandeo has authored two books detailing his philosophy: Trader Vic Methods of a Wall Street Master and Trader Vic II Principles of Professional Speculation, in addition to co-authoring, Crashmaker A Federal Affaire, with Avaro Almeidi, a philosophical novel about Wall Street. Mr. Sperandeo is also authoring a forthcoming book on commodities which is scheduled to be released in 2007. |