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Profile of Vince Russo

Vince Russo

CTO - Reprise Media LLC
Vince Russo Email :
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Company Name : Reprise Media LLC
Company Website : www.reprisemedia.com
Company Address : 55 5th. Ave.
16th Fl., New York, NY,
United States,
Vince Russo Profile :
CTO - Reprise Media LLC
Vince Russo Biography :

As CTO, Vince leads the development of tools that streamline the construction and management of Reprise Media's search engine marketing campaigns. He also guides all of the Company's technology-related decisions and manages relationships with our technology partners. Vince joined Reprise Media with a wealth of search and technology experience. Previously, he served as Entrepreneur in Residence at Highland Capital Partners for two years, evaluating hundreds of technology companies in the search and interactive advertising industries and providing technological guidance on Highlands investment strategy. As Chief Architect at Terra-Lycos from 1999-2002, Vince built and launched search, billing, systems infrastructure and data mining technology across the global network of Lycos properties, including Lycos.com, HotBot, Tripod and Quote.com. As Lycos senior technologist, Vince oversaw the technical direction of a team of more than 100 engineers both domestically and abroad. Vince earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he also worked as a Senior Programmer, designing and implementing his own proprietary operating system. After completing his work at U. of Illinois, Vince served as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University for seven years.

Vince Russo Colleagues :
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Peter Hershberg

Managing Partner Please login

Joshua Stylman

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Stephen Chiles

COO Please login

Kew Kelly-Yuoh

CFO Please login

Dan Kashman

Sr. VP - Business Development Please login

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