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Profile of Vineet Joshi

Vineet Joshi

CTO - InfoNow Corp.
Vineet Joshi Email :
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Company Name : InfoNow Corp.
Company Website : www.infonow.com
Company Address : 1875 Lawrence St.
Ste. 1100, Denver, CO,
United States,
Vineet Joshi Profile :
CTO - InfoNow Corp.
Vineet Joshi Biography :

Vineet Joshi is chief technology officer at InfoNow, overseeing the development of all of the company�s software-as-a-service solutions. Since joining InfoNow in 2004, Joshi has also served as vice president of Engineering, chief architect and product development architect. Joshi has more than 15 years of experience in software engineering, in a variety of industry segments, including business intelligence, content management, e-commerce, telecommunications and computer-aided design. He has been a leader in designing and architecting large-scale shared-service based systems for a variety of applications. He served previously in a variety of software engineering and technical management roles at leading technology and communications companies: Thomson Corporation, Affinia, Vignette, WorldCom and Visionael Corporation. Vineet has also been an entrepreneur, co-founding two software consulting companies. Joshi holds a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering from The University of Texas at Arlington.

Vineet Joshi Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Mark Geene

Dir., CEO Please login

Brandon Brancato

Dir. Finance, Administration, Investor Contact Please login

Jeffrey Peotter

Chmn. Please login

Allan Spies

Board Dir. Please login

Tim Conner

Board Dir. Please login

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