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Profile of Virginia Mills

Virginia Mills

Administrative Mgr. - Kirkland Russ Murphy & Tapp CPA
Virginia Mills Email :
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Company Name : Kirkland Russ Murphy & Tapp CPA
Company Website : www.krmtcpa.com
Company Address : 13577 Feather Sound Dr.
Ste. 400, Clearwater, FL,
United States,
Virginia Mills Profile :
Administrative Mgr. - Kirkland Russ Murphy & Tapp CPA
Virginia Mills Biography :

Virginia received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from the University of New England-Westbrook College and her Masters of Business Administration in Accounting from Everest University. She has experience working in both public and private accounting. Her public accounting experience in the Federal and State tax compliance areas started with KPMG Peat Marwick working in both Portland, Maine and Tampa, Florida. Virginia�s experience in state and local taxation began in private industry primarily with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP where she managed the Firm�s sales, use, property and gross receipt tax compliance, audits and the automation design and maintenance of sales/use tax functions throughout the United States.

Virginia�s experience includes the preparation of various federal and multi-state income tax returns for individuals, corporations and partnerships. She has extensive experience with sales, use and property tax compliance, audits, multi-state compliance studies and ERP-Sales Tax automation designs and maintenance. She holds the CMI-Sales Tax (Certified Member of the Institute) designation from the Institute of Professionals in Taxation.

Virginia�s relevant industry experience includes professional service firms, direct mail advertising, pharmaceutical, real estate development and restaurants.

Virginia Mills Colleagues :
Name Title Email

William Tapp

Managing Shareholder Please login

Cindy Mull

Contact Operations Please login

John MacEovsky

Sr. Mgr. - Tax Please login

Robert Batz

Sr. Mgr. - Audit Please login

Kevin Essex

Sr. Mgr. - Audit Please login

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