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Profile of Wade Schott

Wade Schott

Sr. VP, Engineering, Information Technology, CTO - General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Inc.
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Company Name : General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Inc.
Company Website : www.gd-ais.com
Company Address : 12450 Fair Lakes Cir.
, Fairfax, VA,
United States,
Wade Schott Profile :
Sr. VP, Engineering, Information Technology, CTO - General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Inc.
Wade Schott Biography :

Wade Schott Senior Vice President, Engineering, Information Technology and Chief Technology Officer Wade Schott is senior vice president for engineering and technical services, information technology, and chief technology officer for General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems. As head of engineering and technical services, Schott oversees the technical workforce. His responsibilities include the welfare, training and high utilization of the technical workforce, as well as the development of a common set of streamlined engineering and services processes. As the chief technical officer, Schott is responsible for both the vision and focus of strategic technology and business development that supports the expansion of current business and penetration of new business. The technology office works with innovative commercial companies to bring their technology into the intelligence and Department of Defense arena. Schott has been with General Dynamics for 20 years, previously in the Electronic Systems unit prior to its reorganization into Advanced Information Systems. The majority of his career has focused on providing end-to-end systems for classified programs. These systems have ranged from advanced signals processing systems to advanced knowledge management architectures, concepts and products. Before assuming his current position in 2000, Schott�s positions included technology director for advanced research and development, technical and program manager for advanced research programs, chief architect and lead systems engineer, line manager, design task manager, and hardware designer. Schott holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering with graduate studies in communication signals processing and telecommunications. He has also taken courses in corporate executive leadership and management. Schott has received numerous awards for superior performance and innovation, including his recent recognition as one of 2004�s top 25 chief technology officers by InfoWorld magazine.

Wade Schott Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Lou Von Thaer

Pres., Advanced Information Systems, Corporate VP, General Dynamics Please login

Robert Draim

VP, Littoral Combat Ship C4isr Programs Please login

Maura Dunn

VP, Human Resources, Administration Please login

Michael Kauffman

VP, General Counsel Please login

Kimberly Kuryea

VP, CFO Please login

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