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Profile of Walter Boomer

Walter Boomer

Board Dir. - Rogers Corp.
Walter Boomer Email :
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Company Name : Rogers Corp.
Company Website : www.rogerscorporation.com
Company Address : 1 Technology Dr.
, Rogers, CT,
United States,
Walter Boomer Profile :
Board Dir. - Rogers Corp.
Walter Boomer Biography :

Walter E. Boomer 68 is the retired Chairman of the Board and CEO of Rogers Corporation. He joined Rogers as President and CEO in April 1997. He was named Chairman in April 2000. He retired as Rogers' CEO on April 1 2004. Prior to his tenure with Rogers he was Executive Vice President of McDermott International and President of Babcock and Wilcox Power Generating Group from 1994 through 1996. Before beginning his corporate career he spent 34 years in the Marine Corps where he had a distinguished career serving two tours in Vietnam was Director of Public Affairs commanding general of the marine ground forces during Desert Shield/Desert Storm and was commanding general of the marine corps base at Camp Pendleton and later at Quantico. He retired from the corps in 1994 after achieving the rank of General and Assistant Commandant. General Boomer graduated with distinction from the Naval War College and received a B.A. from Duke University and also holds an M.S. in technology management from American University.

Mr. Boomer has been a Rogers' Board member since 1997.

Walter Boomer Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Robert Wachob

Board Dir., CEO, Pres. Please login

Gregory Howey

Dir. Please login

Leonard Jaskol

Dir. Please login

Leonard Baker

Dir. Please login

Charles Brennan

Dir. Please login

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