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Profile of Wayne Heiman

Wayne Heiman

International Board Dir. - International Association of Lions Clubs
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Company Name : International Association of Lions Clubs
Company Website : www.lionsclubs.org
Company Address : 300 W 22nd St.
, Oak Brook, IL,
United States,
Wayne Heiman Profile :
International Board Dir. - International Association of Lions Clubs
Wayne Heiman Biography :

Wayne A. Heiman of Manawa, Wisconsin, USA, was elected to serve a two-year term as a director of The International Association of Lions Clubs at the association�s 88th International Convention, held in Hong Kong June 27-July 1, 2005.

Director Heiman is human resources director.

A member of the Manawa Lions Club since 1986, Director Heiman has held many offices within the association, including club president, region chair, zone chair, district membership chair, district LCIF chair, district governor, multiple district membership chair and multiple district council chair. Additionally he has served on the International Convention Elections Committee, as moderator at two USA/Canada Forums, as a co-presenter at a USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, as a presenter at numerous meetings and conventions and in multiple positions at the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, including director.

In recognition of his service to the association Director Heiman has received numerous awards, including the Club President�s Excellence Award, the District Governor�s Award, the International President�s Certificate of Appreciation and the International President�s Leadership Award. He is also a Melvin Jones Fellow.

In addition to his Lions activities, Director Heiman is active in numerous professional and community organizations, including the Waupaca Area Toastmasters, the Society for Human Resource Management and the Manawa Zoning Board of Appeals. In the past he was a Manawa City council alderman and chair of the Finance & Personnel Committee. He was previously a member of the Marion Jaycees.

Director Heiman�s wife, Cheryl, is also a Lion and Melvin Jones Fellow.

Wayne Heiman Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Jimmy Ross

International Pres. Please login

Mahendra Amarasuriya

First VP Please login

Albert Brandel

Second VP Please login

Roy Barnette

International Board Dir. Please login

Robert Eichhorn

International Board Dir. Please login

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