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Profile of Wendy Goffe

Wendy Goffe

Attorney - Graham & Dunn PC
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Company Name : Graham & Dunn PC
Company Website : www.grahamdunn.com
Company Address : 2801 Alaskan Way
Ste. 300, Seattle, WA,
United States,
Wendy Goffe Profile :
Attorney - Graham & Dunn PC
Wendy Goffe Biography :

Wendy's practice focuses on estate planning, estate and gift taxation, probate and trust administration, family-owned business succession planning, charitable giving and non-profit trusts and corporations. Professional and Community Activities Member, The Seattle Foundation Professional Advisors Council Member, Estate Planning Council of Seattle Executive Committee Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel Washington State Bar Association Member, Estate and Gift Tax Committee of the Taxation Section Member, Real Property, Probate and Trust Section Executive Committee (2000-2002) Member, Newsletter Editorial Board (1995-2001) Adjunct Faculty Member, Seattle University Law School (2001-present) Member, Washington Women in Tax Member, Children's Legacy Council of Children's Hospital Foundation Past Board Member, Executive Committee Member and Chair, Planned Giving Committee, National Multiple Sclerosis Society Greater Washington Chapter Past Board Member, Women's Endowment Fund Past Member, Tacoma Art Museum Acquisition Committee Past Member, Northwest Giving Project Professional Advisory Committee Past Member, Woodland Park Zoo Professional Advisory Committee

Past Member, Northwest Hospital Ethics Committee Recognition Washington CEO "League of Justice" 2006

Washington Law & Politics "Rising Star" 2000, 2001 Washington Law & Politics "Super Lawyer" 2001 - 2007

Education JD, University of Washington School of Law, 1992 BA, cum laude, University of Washington, 1986

Phi Beta Kappa Departmental Honors in History Selected Presentations and Publications Author: "Preparing Effective Cohabitation Agreements for Unmarried Couples," Volume 34, Estate Planning, September 7, 2007 Speaker: "From NASCAR Condominiums to Private Mausoleums: Keeping the Vacation Home in the Family," 41st Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning, Orlando, Florida, January, 12, 2007. Chair and Panelist: "Death, Dirt & Duties: Estate Planning for Real Estate Tranfers," 41st Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning, Orlando, Florida, January, 12, 2007. Speaker: "Cohabitation Agreements," 51st Annual Estate Planning Seminar, Seattle, Washington, November 7, 2006. Speaker: "Keeping the Cabin in the Family: A Guide to Joint Ownership and Use," Gonzaga University School of Law, Hills Resort, Priest Lake, Idaho, September 30, 2006. Speaker: "Keeping the Cabin in the Family: A Guide to Joint Ownership and Use," 42nd Annual Advanced ALI-ABA Summer Program, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, June 23, 2006. Co-Author: "Estate and Charitable Gift Planning for Unmarried Couples," The Journal of Gift Planning, Vol 10, No 2, 2nd Quarter, 2006. Author: "Keeping the Cabin in the Family: A Guide to Joint Ownership and Use," 31 ACTEC Journal 89, 2005. Author: "Vacation Property: Planning Strategies for Keeping the Vacation Home in the Family," 32 Estate Planning 3, September 2005. Speaker: "Allocation of Taxes and Expenses in the Estate," Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, Washington, July 21, 2005. Speaker: "Planning for Alternative Lifestyles," 41st Annual Advanced ALI-ABA Summer Program, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, June 24, 2005. Speaker: "Same-Sex Marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act," American College of Trust and Estate Council, Seattle, Washington, May 14, 2005. Author: "Advisors and Planned Giving Officers: Serving Together in Philanthropy," 12 Planned Giving Today 2, December, 2004. Speaker: "Estate Planning for the Unmarried Adult/Non-Traditional Family," 49th Annual Estate Planning Seminar, Seattle, Washington, November 16, 2004. Speaker: "Same-Sex Marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act" East King County Estate Planning Seminar, Seattle, Washington, November 9, 2004. Speaker: "Trust Agreements in Divorce Settlements," Relationship Agreements Seminar, Seattle, Washington, October 8, 2004. Speaker: "An Ideal Partnership Between Charities and Professional Advisors," Advances at Children's Fifth Annual Luncheon, Seattle, Washington, October 4, 2004. Author: "Estate Planning With Trusts for Divorcing Spouses," 38 ABA Family Law Quarterly 157, Spring 2004. Author: "Estate Planning for Blended Families: Yours, Mine and Ours," 24 Wisconsin Journal of Family Law 41, April 2004. Speaker: "Joint Ownership and Use: Keeping the Cabin in the Family," Tenth Annual WSBA Fall Real Estate Conference, November 14, 2003. Speaker and Panelist: "Options for Giving: Donor Advised Funds, Supporting Organizations & Private Foundations," The Seattle Foundation Professional Advisor Seminar for Continuing Education, October 30, 2003. Speaker: "Trusts: Creativity in Dividing Marital Property," American Bar Association Section of Family Law 2003 Fall CLE Conference, October 16, 2003. Speaker: "Estate Planning For Blended Families: Yours, Mine and Ours," 2003 Northwest Trust Conference of the Washington Bankers Association, September 10, 2003. Contributing Author: WSBA Real Property, Probate and Trust Newsletter (Quarterly), Summer 1995-2001 Author: "The Basics of Values-Based Estate Planning," Family Foundation Advisor, October 2002 Author: "Twenty-First Century Philanthropy: Creating a Virtual Endowment," Charitable Gift Planning News, May 2002 Speaker: "The Bush Tax Agenda & What it Means for Philanthropy," American Council on Gift Annuities 25th Annual Conference, April 2002 Speaker: "Using Flexible Clauses In Drafting," WSBA Best of CLE Encore of Excellence, December 2001 Speaker: "Ten Estate Planning Tips," Forty-Sixth Annual Estate Planning Seminar, November 2001 Speaker: "Tax Implications for Post-Boom Entrepreneurs and Investors," Northwest Venture Group, January 2001 Speaker: "Durable Powers of Attorney," WSBA, January 2001 and May 2001 Speaker: "Charitable Giving and Estate Planning," South Seattle Community College Foundation, January 2001 Speaker: "Estate Planning to Create Incentives and Influence Behavior of Beneficiaries," Microsoft Alumni Network, November 2000 Speaker: "Advanced Will Drafting," WSBA, 1999 and 2000 Speaker: "Community Property Agreements, Joint Tenancy, and Other Nontrust Will Substitutes," WSBA, December 1997 Speaker: "Estate Planning for The Non-Tradition Family With a Medium to Large Sized Estate," Forty-Second Annual Estate Planning Seminar, November 1997 Chair: "How to Probate An Estate," WSBA, December 1996 Speaker: "Funding Revocable Trusts," Seattle-King County Bar Association CLE, November 1996 Speaker: "Introduction to a Team Approach to Probate," Washington Association of Legal Support Professionals, February 1996 Chair and Speaker: "What Every Attorney Needs to Understand About Permissible and Effective Delegation During the Probate and Administrative Process," WSBA, December 1995 Speaker: "Limited Liability Companies and Estate Planning," American Society of Women Accountants, October 1995 Speaker: "Advantageous Uses of Limited Liability Companies," NBI Continuing Legal Education Seminar, February 1995 and Oregon Certified Commercial Investment Members, October 1994.

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