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Profile of Wes Jenkins

Wes Jenkins

Creative Dir. - Critical Mass Interactive Inc.
Wes Jenkins Email :
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Company Name : Critical Mass Interactive Inc.
Company Website : www.criticalmassinteractive.com
Company Address : PO Box 203924
, Austin, TX,
United States,
Wes Jenkins Profile :
Creative Dir. - Critical Mass Interactive Inc.
Wes Jenkins Biography :

Wes Jenkins - Creative Director

Wes Jenkins, B.A., B.F.A., has provided effective and efficient concept, story, character, design and game development for multimedia, print, radio and broadcast for 30+ years. His career experiences include: LEGO to Disney, ABC to PBS, IBM to MCA, NASA to Zappa, Mindscape to Sierra, Stanford University to the California Academy of Sciences, and finally Bill Graham to Neil Bush. He has had a major high profile, pro-active role in over 15 multimedia products including the Lego Island Series earning profits, accolades and numerous awards including the Award for Innovation from the Smithsonian Institute and the Family/Kids Title of the Year from the Academy of Interactive Sciences. While translating the intended message to the desired audience, Wes understands the creative process and has the experience to reach a goal, on time, under budget with visual, verbal, written and leadership solutions that cross discipline boundaries, tightens the gap between technology and usability and allows for a sense of ownership and fun for the team and, most importantly, for the audience. Contact: Wes Jenkins. Wes is ready at any time to answer any questions about how he can plug into your projects. (Back to top)

Wes Jenkins Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Brad Woolwine

Lead Designer, QA Mgr. Please login

Rob Carroll

Game Designer Please login

Michael Giacomo

Software Engineer Please login

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