Mr. Bill Bertrand was promoted to senior vice president general counsel and corporate compliance officer in November 2005. He was appointed MedImmune�s first general counsel in September 2003. Since joining the company in 2001 he has also held the titles of vice president legal affairs and corporate compliance officer. Under Mr. Bertrand�s leadership MedImmune�s legal affairs department has grown from two members with no full-time lawyers to 22 employees with 11 full-time lawyers. Prior to joining MedImmune Mr. Bertrand served in various legal positions at Pharmacia Corporation from 1997-2001 including litigation counsel senior corporate counsel and associate general counsel. He had also been associate general counsel for a life insurance company; a partner at Dickinson Wright Moon Van Dusen & Freeman of Lansing MI; and taught courses at various institutions including Seton Hall University School of Law. Mr. Bertrand holds a bachelor of science degree in biology from Wayne State University and a juris doctorate (cum laude) from University of Wisconsin Madison.