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Profile of William Krebs

William Krebs

Chmn. - Voice Mobility International Inc.
William Krebs Email :
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Company Name : Voice Mobility International Inc.
Company Website : voicemobility.com
Company Address : 4190 Lougheed Hwy.
No. 100, Burnaby, BC,
William Krebs Profile :
Chmn. - Voice Mobility International Inc.
William Krebs Biography :

Mr. Krebs brings the acuity of an accountant and the spirit of an entrepreneur to Voice Mobility. He has been a key member of our management team since 1995, and was our first Chairman of the Board. He played a critical role in developing and executing the financial strategy that eased Voice Mobility�s transition from private to public. In his long and challenging career, Mr. Krebs has enjoyed many notable successes, including being a founder of WaveRider Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ:WAVC), and has been much sought after for his insights into managing technology companies. He is a Chartered Accountant with 35 years in public and private practice and has been a member of the British Columbia Institute of Chartered Accountants since 1973.

William Krebs Colleagues :
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Randy Buchamer

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