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Profile of William Bluhm

William Bluhm

Principal - Consulting Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
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Company Name : Milliman USA Inc.
Company Website : www.milliman.com
Company Address : 1301 5th Ave.
Ste. 3800, Seattle, WA,
United States,
William Bluhm Profile :
Principal - Consulting Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
William Bluhm Biography :

Professional designations

Fellow, Society of Actuaries

Member, American Academy of Actuaries

Fellow, Conference of Consulting Actuaries

Current responsibility

Bill is a principal and consulting actuary with the Minneapolis office of Milliman. He joined the firm in 1983.


Bill has built a substantial reputation in the health insurance field, working with insurers, health benefit providers, and governments. Some of his particular areas of expertise include financial management, antiselection, appraisals, strategic planning, model-based analysis, risk-based capital, regulations, healthcare reform, and expert testimony.

Bill has been a frequent speaker and author. He was the principal editor of all five editions of the major textbook Group Insurance, and authored the new textbook Individual Health Insurance. His paper Cumulative Antiselection Theory won the triennial prize for best eligible paper published in the Transactions of the Society of Actuaries during 1980-1982 and was included as one of the seven milestone papers reprinted in the Society of Actuaries� 50th anniversary monograph. His paper The Minnesota Antiselection Model won the Actuarial Education and Research Fund�s Practitioner�s Award in 1991. All of these works have been required reading on the Society of Actuaries� exam syllabus.


Bill has also been an officer and a member of the Board of Directors of all three organizations, president of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries, and currently is President-Elect of the American Academy of Actuaries.


BS, State University of New York at Albany

MS, University of Illinois

William Bluhm Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Noel Abkemeier

Principal - Consulting Actuary Please login

Michael Abroe

Principal - Consulting Actuary Please login

Ryo Adachi

Consultant Please login

John Agogliati

Principal Please login

Edwin Akwenuke

Principal - Pension Consultant Please login

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