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Profile of William Kolakowski

William Kolakowski

Member - Dykema Gossett PLLC
William Kolakowski Email :
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Company Name : Dykema Gossett PLLC
Company Website : www.dykema.com
Company Address : 2723 S State St.
Ste. 400, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States,
William Kolakowski Profile :
Member - Dykema Gossett PLLC
William Kolakowski Biography :

Mr. Kolakowski practices intellectual property law, focusing on patent, trademark, and copyright prosecution, licensing, and related litigation. He regularly counsels individuals and companies with respect to procuring, protecting, and enforcing intellectual property rights.

During law school, Mr. Kolakowski was an associate editor and then a contributing editor for the Michigan Law Review.


Prosecution practice includes the preparation of: (i) patent, trademark, and copyright applications; (ii) patentability, patent infringement, and patent validity opinions; and (iii) trademark registrability and clearance opinions. His patent prosecution focuses on the electrical, electro-mechanical, and computer arts. He has experience preparing and prosecuting patent applications in a wide variety of technologies including engine and motor control systems (including microprocessor based systems and discrete electronic circuits), motor architectures, data storage and retrieval, electronic interfaces, sensors, power systems, brakes and clutches, axles, suspensions, and medical devices. Mr. Kolakowski's copyright prosecution emphasizes the protection and enforcement of copyrights in computer software and architectural designs.

Regularly negotiates, prepares and reviews agreements involving all types of intellectual property rights and assets including computer software and domain names. Exemplary agreements include asset purchase agreements, license agreements, technology development agreements, and beta testing agreements.

Litigation experience has involved all types of intellectual property and a wide variety of forums including Federal Courts, the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, and dispute resolution providers acting under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy promulgated by ICAAN.

Seminars and Speeches

8/4/2001 "The Intersection of Bankruptcy and Intellectual Property Law", Western District of Michigan Federal Bar Association Bankruptcy Section, Thompsonville, Michigan

5/18/2005 "The Power of Angel Investing -- Due Diligence" , Great Lakes Angels, Livonia, Michigan


6/2002 v.24 no.6 Detroiter, "Business Without Borders," Detroit Regional Chamber

1995 v.93 no.7 Michigan Law Review, "Note, The Federal Arbitration Act and Individual Employment Contracts: A Better Means to an Equally Just End"

Professional Associations

American Bar Association

Oakland County Bar Association

Michigan Intellectual Property Law Association

Civic and Cultural Involvements

Sacred Heart of the Hills Catholic Church

Member, Detroit Zoological Society.

William Kolakowski Colleagues :
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Maria Abrahamsen

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Phyllis Adams

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Janis Adams

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Uzma Ahmad

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Bryan Anderson

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