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Profile of William Honaker

William Honaker

Dept. Mgr. - Dickinson Wright PLLC
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Company Name : Dickinson Wright PLLC
Company Website : www.dickinsonwright.com
Company Address : 1901 L Street NW
Ste. 800, Washington, DC,
United States,
William Honaker Profile :
Dept. Mgr. - Dickinson Wright PLLC
William Honaker Biography :

National and international protection of inventions and inventors National and international protection of trademarks and copyrightable subject matter Evaluation of patents, trademarks and copyrights of others Licensing of technology with a special emphasis on computer related technology and ownership issues Extensive experience in all aspects of patent, trademark, trade secret and copyright matters including litigation in a broad range of technologies: surgical and medical apparatus food processing and related equipment welding equipment and processes metal cutting tools marine products hydrostatic drives fastener assemblies and manufacturing processes tool holding assemblies gas spring assemblies farm and garden equipment windshield wiper assembly ABS brake systems seat assemblies die assemblies mold assemblies and controls computer hardware and software heating and air conditioning filter systems wood working equipment cement cutting equipment As an examiner at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, responsible for mechanical and electro-mechanical inventions including: farm equipment hydraulic cylinder assemblies linkage systems propulsion devices gear drive arrangements REPRESENTATIVE CLIENTS Delphi Federal Mogul Kellogg AREAS OF PRACTICE EMPHASIS Co-Chair Dickinson Wright Patent Task Force Gaming Intellectual Property ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Listed in Best Lawyers in America PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT State Bar of Michigan Intellectual Property Law Section (Former Chairman) American Bar Association American Intellectual Property Law Association PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS "Employment at the Patent and Trademark Office: Can You Leave With What You Learned?," JPOS, February 1990 "Information and Innovations of Employees and Consultants - Ownership and Licensing Issues," Licensing and Other I.P. Transactions, American Conference Institute, January 1996 "Ownership Issues Involving Employees and Consultants," The Licensing Journal, August 1998 "Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights," Laches, Oakland County Bar Association Magazine, November 1995 EDUCATION University of Toledo, B.S.M.E. 1979 Pi Tau Sigma University of Toledo College of Law/Georgetown University, J.D. 1984.

William Honaker Colleagues :
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William Champion

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Trent Collier

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Jennifer Copland

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John Dempsey

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Jeffrey Dobson

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