Dr. William T. Billy Edwards assumed the role of Chief Innovation Officer in September 2005. In this newly created role, Dr. Edwards provides leadership for AMD�s forward-looking business initiatives. These have included High Growth Markets, Innovative Solutions, and AMD�s 50x15. All these initiatives are focused on collaborating with AMD�s partners to create new solutions that will help expand AMD�s and the industry�s ability to reach and serve ever greater portions of the global community.
Prior to his current role, Dr. Edwards was AMD�s Chief Strategy Officer. He created the Office of Strategy and Technology (OST), whose charter was to expand leadership of technical opportunities, explore new markets opportunities and guide the overall strategic and corporate development efforts of AMD. Billy joined AMD in 2002 to lead the formation of the Personal Connectivity Solutions Group.
Before joining AMD, Edwards was the chief executive officer of Hesson Labs, Inc., a fabless semiconductor start-up, focusing on high-speed CMOS networking devices. He also was a senior vice president at Motorola, serving in numerous roles in both the Semiconductor Products Sector and corporate headquarters. Additionally, Dr. Edwards spent nine years with The Boston Consulting Group, also worked with Technology Associates Inc. and several medical equipment startups.
Dr. Edwards holds a bachelor�s degree in biomedical engineering and bachelor�s, master�s and doctorate degrees in materials science engineering, all from Vanderbilt University. |