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Profile of William Bishop

William Bishop

VP - Charles River Assoc Inc.
William Bishop Email :
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Company Name : Charles River Assoc Inc.
Company Website : www.crai.com
Company Address : 200 Clarendon St.
T-33, Boston, MA,
United States,
William Bishop Profile :
VP - Charles River Assoc Inc.
William Bishop Biography :


Ph.D. Economics, London School of Economics

M.A. Economics, University of Western Ontario

B.A. Economics, Memorial University

BCL Law, Magdalen College, University of Oxford (Rhodes Scholar)

B.A. Law, Magdalen College, University of Oxford (Rhodes Scholar)

Additional Information

Dr. William Bishop, Vice President, has 24 years of experience as an advisor to companies on antitrust matters. He has held academic posts at the London School of Economics, Oxford University, and at universities in Canada, Australia, and the United States. He is currently professor of the economics of competition law at the College of Europe in Bruges. He is also a (non-practicing) member of the English bar. Dr. Bishop has appeared as an expert witness before the courts of several European countries, before the European Commission, the Monopolies & Mergers Commission, and the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. He has conducted research and written economic analyses on more than 100 industries in the course of advising on litigation and on investigations by the OFT, the MMC, the European Commission, and national competition authorities. He has been an advisor to DGIV on its Market Definition Notice, on Quantitative Techniques and on Remedies, and to the DTI on the U.K. Competition Act.

William Bishop Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Nancy Rose

Board Dir. Please login

Jonathan Yellin

VP, General Counsel Please login

Wayne MacKie

Exec. VP, CFO, Treasurer Please login

Rowland Moriarty

Chmn. Please login

Steven Salop

Sr. Consultant - Antitrust, Competition Economics Please login

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