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Profile of William George

William George

Chmn., Pres., CEO - Health Partners Inc.
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Company Name : Health Partners Inc.
Company Website : www.healthpart.com
Company Address : 901 Market St.
Ste. 500, Philadelphia, PA,
United States,
William George Profile :
Chmn., Pres., CEO - Health Partners Inc.
William George Biography :

William George serves as Health Partners� President and Chief Executive Officer. In this capacity, he has overall responsibility for leading one of Southeastern Pennsylvania�s largest health maintenance organizations, whose operations include a nationally recognized Medicaid managed care plan and three different Medicare Advantage plans.

Mr. George also continues to serve in his prior role as Chief Financial Officer. With more than 27 years of experience in accounting, auditing, financial and regulatory reporting, financial management and planning, and systems development, Mr. George is responsible for all corporate financial affairs. As CFO, he additionally plays a leadership role in corporate strategic planning, and the development and management of Health Partners� risk model.

Prior to joining Health Partners, Mr. George served in a financial management role with US Healthcare, where he was responsible for the cash receipts and disbursements functions, as well as payroll. He also played a leadership role in identifying and installing financial system upgrades; overseeing various financial, regulatory, and operational aspects of that company�s external financial reporting and its pension, deferred compensation, 401(k), and executive benefit plans; and analyzing medical claims liabilities and the related medical expenses.

Mr. George spent 12 years at Arthur Young & Company (predecessor to Ernst & Young), an international accounting firm, where he served various private and public HMO, insurance, retailing and real estate investment trust (REIT) clients. He also acted as assistant to the Director of Accounting in performing pre-issuance reviews of financial statements, projections, and other reports of Philadelphia office clients. During Mr. George�s employment with Arthur Young, he completed a one-year residency program in that firm�s East Region office, where he was trained in reporting and disclosure requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Mr. George has a BA in History and Economics (Cum Laude and departmental honors) from Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania and an MBA in Corporate Finance from the University of Pennsylvania�s Wharton School of Business. He is a Certified Public Accountant and member of the Pennsylvania and American Institutes of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA and AICPA). He also serves on the boards of a number of not-for-profit organizations in Philadelphia.

William George Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Frank Azan

Exec. VP, COO Please login

Judy Harrington

Pres. - Health Partner Foundation Board, Sr. VP - Business Development Please login

Vicki Sessoms

Sr. VP - Resources Management, Compliance Please login

Mary Stom

Sr. VP - Health Care Management, Chief Medica Please login

Don Daddario

Sr. VP - Pharmacy Business Please login

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