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Profile of William Muszynski

William Muszynski

Special Projects Coordinator, Branch Head - Delaware River Basin Commission
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Company Name : Delaware River Basin Commission
Company Website : www.state.nj.us/drbc
Company Address : 25 State Police Dr.
, West Trenton, NJ,
United States,
William Muszynski Profile :
Special Projects Coordinator, Branch Head - Delaware River Basin Commission
William Muszynski Biography :

(WEST TRENTON, N.J.) -- Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) Executive Director Carol R. Collier today announced that William J. Muszynski has accepted an offer to officially join the commission's staff as Special Projects Coordinator and Head of the Project Review Branch effective April 1, 2006.

"Bill's decision to retire from the federal government after serving a distinguished career there and join the DRBC staff is wonderful news," Collier said. "Over the past two years while working here on his temporary assignment from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Bill has proven himself to be an important team player and advisor. The commission, as well as the entire basin community, will certainly continue to benefit from his expertise, management skills, and years of experience."

Since January 2004, Muszynski has been serving as the DRBC's Special Projects Coordinator on a temporary assignment from EPA while remaining a federal employee. He also led the commission's project review branch during this period.

Muszynski has been instrumental in a number of ongoing DRBC initiatives, including major improvements in the commission's project review process, initiation of the Delaware River Toxics Reduction Program (DelTRiP), development of implementation criteria for the Special Protection Waters program in the Lower Delaware, and development of new memorandums of agreement with the commission's state and federal partners.

Immediately prior to his temporary assignment at DRBC, Muszynski held the position of Deputy Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2 in New York City. He also served as Acting Regional Administrator on three different occasions. According to the EPA web site, "During his career, Mr. Muszynski has gained a reputation for fairness, attention to detail and hard work unmatched in Region 2." He joined EPA in 1971 after holding positions with the Federal Power Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

He holds both a B.S. (1968) and M.C.E. (1972) from the Newark College of Engineering (now known as the New Jersey Institute of Technology). Muszynski is a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey and serves on the Executive Board of the New Jersey Water Environment Association.

The DRBC was formed by compact in 1961 through legislation signed into law by President John F. Kennedy and the governors of the four basin states with land draining to the Delaware River (Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania). The passage of this compact marked the first time in our nation's history that the federal government and a group of states joined together as equal partners in a river basin planning, development, and regulatory agency.

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