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Profile of Wyche Fowler

Wyche Fowler

Board Dir. - Ziopharm Oncology Inc.
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Company Name : Ziopharm Oncology Inc.
Company Website : www.ziopharm.com
Company Address : 1180 Ave. Of Americas
Ste. 1920, New York, NY,
United States,
Wyche Fowler Profile :
Board Dir. - Ziopharm Oncology Inc.
Wyche Fowler Biography :

former US Senator and Ambassador to Saudi Arabia

Senator Wyche Fowler, Jr. served for 16 years in the United States Congress. In the US Senate, he served as assistant floor leader, helping mould a bipartisan consensus for major public policy issues. Senator Fowler was a member of the Senate Appropriations, Budget, Energy and Agriculture Committees. First elected to the US House of Representatives, he was a member of the Ways and Means and Foreign Affairs Committees, as well as the Select Committee on Intelligence. President Clinton appointed Senator Fowler US Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 1996 through 2001. On his return, the FBI awarded him its highest civilian honor, The Jefferson Cup, for his assistance in combating terrorism and for helping solve terrorism crimes against the US military in Saudi Arabia. He was named Lion of Judah by the State of Israel for successfully freeing Soviet Jew Yakov Gluzman. Senator Fowler is now engaged in an international business and law practice, and also serves as chairman of the board of the Middle East Institute, a non-profit foundation in Washington, DC.

Wyche Fowler Colleagues :
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Murray Brennan

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James Cannon

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Gary Fragin

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Jonathan Lewis

Exec. Chmn., CEO, Chief Medical Officer Please login

Timothy McInerney

Board Dir. Please login

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