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Profile of Yair Cohen

Yair Cohen

VP - Elron Electronic Industries Ltd.
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Company Name : Elron Electronic Industries Ltd.
Company Website : www.elron.com
Company Address : 3 Azrieli Ctr.
Triangle Tower, Tel Aviv, ,
Yair Cohen Profile :
VP - Elron Electronic Industries Ltd.
Yair Cohen Biography :

Mr. Cohen joined Elron in July 2005 bringing to Elron extensive experience in the fields of communications and IT, after serving as Brigadier General in the central military intelligence unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). He headed the IDF's 8200 Unit, responsible of developing state-of-the-art technology, and one of the largest, most complex technology organizations in Israel. Mr. Cohen serves as a director at several of Elron's group companies including Starling, Safend, RDC, Atlantium, RADLIVE, BPT, AqWise, AMT and 3DV Systems. In addition, Mr. Cohen serves as the Chairman of ECtel.

Mr. Cohen holds a B.A degree in History and Arabic (summa cum laude) from the Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and an M.A degree in Management of National Resources (summa cum laude) from the Industrial College (NDU), Washington D.C., US.

Yair Cohen Colleagues :
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Avishai Friedman

Pres., CEO - Rafael Development Corp. Please login

Assaf Topaz

VP Please login

Moshe Fourier

CTO, VP Please login

Ami Erel

Dir. Please login

Gabi Barbash

Dir. Please login

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