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Profile of Yair Eilat

Yair Eilat

VP - Competition Policy Associates Inc.
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Company Name : Competition Policy Associates Inc.
Company Website : www.competitionpolicy.com
Company Address : 1101 K St.
NW 8th Fl., Washington, DC,
United States,
Yair Eilat Profile :
VP - Competition Policy Associates Inc.
Yair Eilat Biography :

Dr. Eilat is a Vice President at COMPASS. Dr. Eilat specializes in the economics of industrial organization and in antitrust economics. He has evaluated the economic and competitive effects of mergers in the telecommunications, airlines, and consumer goods industries, and has analyzed the strategic behavior of firms and consumers in various other industries, including high technology, agriculture, and tourism. He has submitted written testimony to the DOJ and FCC with economic analysis of mergers and has written policy reports and published in academic journals in the fields of industrial organization and economic development. Prior to joining COMPASS, Dr. Eilat worked as an a economist at AES Consulting, a researcher at the Harvard Institute for International Development and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and an economic advisor for the Economics Committee and State Audit Committee of the Israeli parliament. He also has teaching experience at several academic institutes.

Yair Eilat Colleagues :
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Richard Gilbert

Sr. Consultant Please login

Margaret Guerin-calvert

Pres., Sr. MD Please login

Janusz Ordover

Sr. Consultant Please login

Jonathan Orszag

Sr. MD Please login

Daniel Rubinfeld

Sr. Consultant Please login

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