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Executive List
1. John Doerr
(Board Dir.)
2. John Doherty
(Sr. VP - Sales, Marketing)
3. John Domerego
(Dir., Pres. - Seamless Internet)
4. John Donahoe
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
5. John Donahue
(Sr. VP, Operations)
6. John Donofrio
(Sr. VP, General Counsel)
7. John Donoghue
8. John Donohue
(VP, Operations)
9. John Donovan
(VP - Finance, Administration)
10. John Dooley
(VP - Sales)
11. John Dorfmeister
(N, A)
12. John Dorman
13. John Dotson
(VP, General Counsel)
14. John Douglas
(Principal - Tenacity International)
15. John Douglass
(Sr. VP, GM, Atlantic, Gulf Region)
16. John Downer
17. John Drabik
(VP, Sales - Americas)
18. John Dragoon
(Sr. VP, Chief Marketing Officer)
19. John Drake
(Dir., Business Development, Campaign Planning)
20. John Drennan
(Principal, Sponsor Finance - Dallas)

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