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Executive List
1. John Pitts
(GM, North Texas)
2. John Pizzey
(Independent Non - Exec. Board Dir.)
3. John Pizzi
4. John Plecenik
(CAD Specialist)
5. John Poindexter
(VP - Corporate Development)
6. John Pollard
(Founder, CEO)
7. John Pope
(Board Dir., Treasurer)
8. John Posner
(Clinical Consultant)
9. John Postle
(Board Dir.)
10. John Postma
(Managing Partner)
11. John Potapchuk
(CFO, Exec. VP, Treasurer)
12. John Pound
(Board Dir.)
13. John Powers
(Board Dir.)
14. John Powers
(Exec. VP, Business Development)
15. John Powers
(Pres., CEO, , Dir.)
16. John Powers
(Pres. - Redline Recovery Services - New York)
17. John Powers
(Exec. VP - Human Resources)
18. John Poyhonen
(Sr. VP, CFO,Chief Business Officer)
19. John Poyhonen
(Board Dir.)
20. John Prescott

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