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Executive List
1. John Hovel
2. John Itzel
(Board Dir.)
3. John Kenny
(Exec. VP - Corporate Development)
4. John Killian
(Pres. - Verizon Business)
5. John Kirby
(Board Dir.)
6. John Kolla
(VP, Interim CFO)
7. John Kraft
(Pres., CEO)
8. John Kramer
(VP - Corporate Development)
9. John Lafountain
(Sr. VP, Sr. Retail Loan Officer)
10. John Lanzafame
(CEO, Dir.)
11. John Lawlor
12. John Lehman
(Independent Board Dir.)
13. John Lehman
(Board Dir.)
14. John Leonardi
15. John Levy
(Board Dir.)
16. John Levy
(Board Dir.)
17. John Martin
(CTO, Sr. VP - Strategy)
18. John Martin
19. John McDowell
20. John McGovern
(Board Dir.)

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