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Executive List
1. Kathryn Roedel
(Sr. VP - Global Supply Chain)
2. Kathryn Pascover
3. Kathryn Sun
(Physician - Ophthalmology, Optometry)
4. Kathy
(Shipping Supervisor)
5. Kathy Aguer
(Member - Team)
6. Kathy Annunziata
(Sr. Dir. - Projects)
7. Kathy Barber
(VP - Quality Assurance, Regulatory Affairs, Special Projects)
8. Kathy Barney
(Pres., H, R Block Bank)
9. Kathy Brick
(Pres., CEO)
10. Kathy Brown
(Dir., Consulting)
11. Kathy Callahan
(Sr. Member)
12. Kathy Copeland
(Mgr. - Consulting Services)
13. Kathy Cunningham
(Member - Advisory Board)
14. Kathy Delcol
(Sr. Area Mgr., Fleet Consultant - Eastern Region)
15. Kathy Dix
(Accounting Mgr.)
16. Kathy Down-Logan
(VP, Marketing)
17. Kathy Duckworth
(Sr. Loan Officer)
18. Kathy Duva
19. Kathy Egan
(Office Mgr.)
20. Kathy Fitzgerald
(Assoc. Consultant)

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