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Executive List
1. Key Ramsey
(Pres., Chmn.)
2. Keya Denner
3. Keydrick Vincent
(Corporate Sales, Media Traffic Coordinator)
4. Keyonta Marshall
(Assist. Groundskeeper)
5. Keyvan Mohajer
(Dir., Founder, CEO)
6. Kfir Godrich
7. Khadija Mayet
(Physician - Internal Medicine)
8. Khai McBride
(Faculty Member)
9. Khaldoun Awamleh
(Board Dir.)
10. Khaled Dessouky
(Founder, Exec. VP, Dir.)
11. Khaled El-Marsafy
(Board Dir.)
12. Khaled Habash
13. Khaled Nasr
(Board Dir.)
14. Khalid Hamied
(Pres., CTO)
15. Khalid Khawaja
(VP - Product Development)
16. Khalisha Brooks
(Physician - RECRUITMENT Specialist CLARIAN HEALTH Partner)
17. Khamsouk Chanthavong
(Production Team Lead)
18. Khan Smith
(VP - Product Management, Chief Privacy Officer)
19. Khanh Nguyen
(VP - Customer Development)
20. Kharlysa Armstrong
(New Business, Renewal Specialist - Scott Hefner Team)

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