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Executive List
1. Laura Bruch
2. Laura Bryant
(Assoc. Web Producer)
3. Laura Caffrey
4. Laura Carabello
(Board of Advisor)
5. Laura Colcord
6. Laura Contreras
7. Laura Corey
(Principal - Assoc.)
8. Laura Cray
(National Dir., Food, Beverage)
9. Laura Cruz
10. Laura D'Andrea Tyson
(Board Dir.)
11. Laura Demmons
12. Laura Desmond
(CEO, Starcom MediaVest Group, The Americas)
13. Laura Dibiase
(Sr. Managing Consultant)
14. Laura Dicapo
(Legal Assist. - Business Litigation)
15. Laura Dimichele-Vukovich
(Exec. VP, Administrative Services, HR)
16. Laura Dolan
(MD Costa Mesa office)
17. Laura Edrington
18. Laura Ferro
(Dir., CEO, Pres.)
19. Laura Fortner
(Sr. VP, Business Development)
20. Laura Fournier
(Exec. VP, CFO, Treasurer)

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