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Executive List
1. Les Kalmus
2. Les Kohn
3. Les Matheson
(Division Exec. Pacific Region, Citi Country Officer Australia - Global Consumer Group)
4. Les Meredith
5. Les Mortensen
(Pres., CIO)
6. Les Otten
(Board Dir.)
7. Les Pennelly
(VP - Biostatistics)
8. Les Russell
9. Les Russell
(VP - International)
10. Les Schlain
11. Les Silver
(Chmn., CEO)
12. Les Smith
(VP, Product Services)
13. Les Snead
14. Les Stutzman
(VP - Marketing)
15. Les Tarjan
(Member - Business Advisers)
16. Les Hausrath
17. Les Vinney
(Board Dir.)
18. Les Ireland
(VP, Corporate, Pres., Europe, Middle East, Africa Power Tools, Accessories Group)
19. Les Taeger
(Sr. VP, CFO)
20. Les Bruce
(International Linguistics Consultant)

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