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Executive List
1. Lori Woods
2. Lori Wormley
(Project Coordinator)
3. Lori Wright
(VP, Controller, Great Plains Energy)
4. Lori Desjardins
(Counsel - Portland, Maine office)
5. Lori Jones
(Board Dir., CEO)
6. Lori Mills
7. Lori Zahalka
(Assoc. Attorney)
8. Lori Sullivan
(Of Counsel - Lexington Office)
9. Lori Press
(Dir. - Broker SpecialistRelations)
10. Lori Wemlinger
(Contact Specialty, Adult Medicine)
11. Lori Gibson
12. Lori Mcleod
(Expertise - Psychometrics)
13. Lori Nelson
14. Lori Pressman
(Board Dir.)
15. Lori Thompson
16. Lori Hood
(Assoc. Attorney)
17. Lori Jeffries
18. Lori Julga
(Principal - Consulting Actuary)
19. Lori Krafte
(Member - Cincinnati Office)
20. Lori Lightfoot

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