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Executive List
1. Lynn Davis
(VP, Cement)
2. Lynn Good
(Group Exec., Pres. - Commercial Businesses)
3. Lynn Speedie
(Dir., Dept. - Neuropsycholgy)
4. Lynn Brodeur
(Sr. VP, Branch Administrator)
5. Lynn Finateri
6. Lynn Landman
(VP, General Counsel, Sec.)
7. Lynn Berman
8. Lynn Bourdon
(Sr. VP)
9. Lynn Elsenhans
(Board Dir.)
10. Lynn Bodarky
(VP, Marketing, Methylnaltrexone Brand Team)
11. Lynn Brimer
(Shareholder - Bloomfield Hills)
12. Lynn Brown
(Of Counsel - Garden City, NY)
13. Lynn Engel
(Litigation, Intellectual Property Attorney)
14. Lynn Fallon
(Pres., Consulting Services)
15. Lynn Haug
(Assoc. Attorney)
16. Lynn Hughitt
(VP - HR Strategies)
17. Lynn Hughitt
(VP - HR Strategy, United Airlines)
18. Lynn Kornfeld
(Special Counsel)
19. Lynn Lombard
(VP, Dir. - Human Resources)
20. Lynn Martin
(Board Dir.)

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