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Executive List
1. Marc Walther
(Co - Chmn., Pres., CEO)
2. Marc Weeber
(Head - Technical Operations USA)
3. Marc Weiswasser
(Sr. VP - Exec. Search)
4. Marc West
(Group Pres., Commercial Markets)
5. Marc Willebeek-Lemair
6. Marc Wipperman
(VP - Operations)
7. Marc Zimmermann
8. Marc Altenbernt
(Assoc. Attorney)
9. Marc Benjamin
(Partner - Real estate Dept.)
10. Marc Bruner
11. Marc Cremer
(Engineering Analysis)
12. Marc Demumieux
(MD - Paris, France)
13. Marc Fandetti
(Sr. Assoc., Defined Contribution Practice Leader)
14. Marc Hetzner
15. Marc Hoffman
(Sr. VP - Asset Management)
16. Marc Kasner
(VP, Assoc. General Counsel)
17. Marc McKithen
(Assoc. Attorney)
18. Marc Monteleone
19. Marc Primack
20. Marc Reich

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