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Executive List
1. Marie Knowles
(Board Dir.)
2. Marie Eckstein
(VP, GM - Advanced Technologies, Ventures)
3. Marie Deveney
4. Marie Johnston
(Assoc. Attorney)
5. Marie Schafer
(Dir. - Finance, CFO)
6. Marie Ziegler
(VP, Investor Relations)
7. Marie-Anne Perlia
(Assoc. Attorney)
8. Marie-Charlotte Patterson
(VP - Corporate Marketing, Product Management )
9. Marie-Claude Bernal
(Board Dir.)
10. Marie-Elodie Morice
(Assoc. Attorney)
11. Marie-Joelle Khouzam
12. Marie-Jose Vullers
(QA Mgr. - Europe)
13. Marie-Therese Allen
(Partner, Counsel)
14. Mariella Larosa
15. Mariellen Dugan
(Sr. VP, General Counsel)
16. Mariellen Neudeck
17. Marietta Zakas
(Sr. VP - Strategic Planning, Investor Relations)
18. Mariflor Jamora
(Dir., Family Center)
19. Marijean Lauzier
(Pres., CEO)
20. Marijean Lauzier

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