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Executive List
1. Mary Collins
(Member - Accounting)
2. Mary Connor
(Process Engineering Specialist)
3. Mary Corcoran
(VP - Business Development)
4. Mary Crawford
(Assoc. Attorney)
5. Mary Cruz
(Council Member - National Hispanic, Latina Advisory Council)
6. Mary De Frenchi
(VP - Account Management)
7. Mary Dean
8. Mary Dent
(General Counsel, Sec.)
9. Mary Diddle
(N, A)
10. Mary Dillon
(Exec. VP - Global Chief Marketing Officer)
11. Mary Donadoni
(Consultant, MD - ESP Payments Research Group)
12. Mary Dotz
13. Mary Dunlop
(Dir. - Research)
14. Mary Dyson
(Exec. VP)
15. Mary Ellen Putnam
(VP, GM - International Business Unit)
16. Mary Ellen Quirk
(Exec. VP, Consumer List Brokerage, Consumer Magazines)
17. Mary Fernald
(Sr. VP, Underwriting, Scottish Re, US, Inc)
18. Mary Fisher
19. Mary Fitzpatrick
(Dir. - HR)
20. Mary Flannery
(Sr. VP - Communications)

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