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Executive List
1. Mead Wyman
(Board Dir.)
2. Mead McCabe
(Pres., CFO and Dir.)
3. Meagan Hardcastle
(Board Dir.)
4. Meaghan Denney
(PECO Wind Program Mgr.)
5. Meaghan Repko
(Board Dir.)
6. Meara McLaughlin
(Dir. - Marketing)
7. Mechai Viravaidya
(Board Dir.)
8. Medford Brown
9. Mee Choi
(Assoc. Attorney)
10. Meena Eswaran
(Physician - Family Medicine)
11. Meenu Chhabra
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
12. Meera Scarrow
(Physician - Obstetrics, Gynecology)
13. Meetinder Rai
(Physician, Internal Medicine)
14. Meg Alexander
(Dir. - Corporate Finance - Charlotte, NC)
15. Meg Broughton
(Dir. - Communications)
16. Meg Kay
(Dir. - Process Control Products)
17. Meg McCarthy
(CIO, Sr. VP - Procurement, Real Estate)
18. Meg Page
(VP - Insert Media Sales)
19. Meg Pisczek
(Dir. - Property Management - Charlotte)
20. Meg Porfido
(Chief Human Resource Officer)

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