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Executive List
1. Michael Brittain
2. Michael Brizel
(Exec. VP, General Counsel)
3. Michael Brokaw
(Dir. - Consulting Services)
4. Michael Broos
5. Michael Brown
(Board Dir.)
6. Michael Brown
(Board Dir.)
7. Michael Brown
(Board Dir.)
8. Michael Brown
(Board Dir.)
9. Michael Brown
10. Michael Brown
(Board Dir.)
11. Michael Brown
(VP - Worldwide Sales)
12. Michael Brunstein
13. Michael Buchheim
(Exec. VP, GM, Distribution, Commerce)
14. Michael Buday
(Chief Software Architect)
15. Michael Buenzow
(Sr. MD, Midwest Region Leader - Chicago)
16. Michael Bungay Stanier
(Educational Partner)
17. Michael Bunting
(Project Mgr.)
18. Michael Burdiek
19. Michael Burke
(Chief Commercial Officer)
20. Michael Butler
(Chmn., CEO)

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