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Executive List
1. Michael Cartabiano
(Chief Creative Officer)
2. Michael Carter
3. Michael Carus
(Pres., COO)
4. Michael Carus
(Board Dir.)
5. Michael Cascone
(Exec. VP, Strategy, Research)
6. Michael Cascone
(Member - Exec. Council)
7. Michael Cashman
8. Michael Casselli
9. Michael Cassidy
(Pres., CEO)
10. Michael Catalano
(Chmn., CEO)
11. Michael Cation
(Exec. VP - Corporate Development)
12. Michael Cawley
(Dep. CEO, COO)
13. Michael Celano
(Board Dir.)
14. Michael Cereseto
15. Michael Cerrina
16. Michael Cerullo
(Principal, CDO - CLO - New York)
17. Michael Chadwick
(Exec. VP - Business Development)
18. Michael Chan
(VP, Business Development, Strategy, CDC Games International)
19. Michael Chandler
20. Michael Cheetham
(VP - Pharmaceutical ealthcare Packaging - Chesapeake Corporation)

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